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Have a look here at page 112. It also works without Smart Access Point!
When you use an Outdoorstation with just 1 button, so for a single family house, you don’t have to use the Accespoint for WelcomeIP. In those applications you can certify the indoor and outdoorstation...
Hi Slightly messy but this is what my nodered flow looks like. In free@home you can find in IP/swagger the place to create the virtual device. So in nodered I connect my inverter data to the corresponding...
I will write a how-to hopefully soon when I find some time. Keywords #Openhab #NodeRed #API First job to do is to find the API token for your inverter! Good luck!
It works fine with other brands as well! Connected my SolarEdge as well as Goodwe inverter! And made this action
Hello Jim The 6200 is for the free@home system. To integrate IP cameras you will need devices from the WelcomeIP series. When you use a IP touch panel you can integrate the IP cameras in there. The Panel...
Are you on fw 2.6.3? It looks like you are facing this:
Have you searched in Start monitor and the community monitor?
Hi! Have you tried adding them through the WelcomeApp? Settings—>Add devices —> IP cameras