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Thank you. I will try it later today.
As it can be seen on screenshot rocker says "The function cannot be changed because this channel is currently in automation mode." [1]: /media/65de02386117e26a34356587
Unfortunately SysAP says after uploading older firmware that returning to old firmware can not be performed.
Yes please. I would like to get back to work these functionalities from previous firmware.
I’m now on version 3.1.0 and Google assistant stopped working. Also with Secure@home SysAP says that it has deprecated elements.
Problem solved. After factory reset and battery disconnections of all sensors. I started configuration from beginning and so far so good all sensors are now operational..
I had to replace my Secure@home central unit and now after cloning old central unit with new central unit almost all sensors are in state "unpaired devices". Is there something what can be done?