1. Thank you. I will try it later today.
  2. Alexwin hat eine Frage gestellt
    As it can be seen on screenshot rocker says "The function cannot be changed because this channel is currently in automation mode." [1]: /media/65de02386117e26a34356587
  3. Alexwin hat eine Antwort zur Frage Is there any way to downgrade SysAP firmware version? geschrieben
    Unfortunately SysAP says after uploading older firmware that returning to old firmware can not be performed.
  4. Alexwin hat eine Antwort zur Frage Is there any way to downgrade SysAP firmware version? kommentiert
    Yes please. I would like to get back to work these functionalities from previous firmware.
  5. Alexwin hat eine Antwort zur Frage Is there any way to downgrade SysAP firmware version? geschrieben
    I’m now on version 3.1.0 and Google assistant stopped working. Also with Secure@home SysAP says that it has deprecated elements.
  6. Alexwin hat eine Frage gestellt
  7. Alexwin hat einen neuen Badge erhalten
  8. Problem solved. After factory reset and battery disconnections of all sensors. I started configuration from beginning and so far so good all sensors are now operational..
  9. Alexwin hat einen neuen Badge erhalten
  10. Alexwin hat einen neuen Badge erhalten
  11. Alexwin hat eine Frage gestellt
    I had to replace my Secure@home central unit and now after cloning old central unit with new central unit almost all sensors are in state "unpaired devices". Is there something what can be done?
  12. Alexwin ist beigetreten

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