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One more thing, please verify if Your system access point and smart touch are up to date with firmware. This function is only available in the latest release.
Hi Gillinhoo. At first, You must verify if both of Your 2 G5 cams are properly connected and SmartTouch is showing them in the settings/video surveillance. If You click on the particular cam, You will...
Let's write it all down in this topic, so anyone can do his research when having a trouble. You can only add one camera to the dashboard. After touching the icon only one camera will appear. However...
Hallo zusammen, ist es möglich, die Unifi Kameras (2x G5-Dome) in mein f@h zu integrieren, sodass mir beispielsweise die Anzeige auf meinem 10" Panel dauerhaft angezeigt wird (wie bei den BJ-Kameras)?...
Hi, there is a possibility to add UniFi Protect cameras. You have to go to the camera settings in PC. You will find the list of cameras, select one, go to settings on the right hand side. There is a menu...