1. Buongiorno, quando uscirà un nuovo aggiornamento per introdurre altri dispositivi matter?
  2. but it only works with eve devices at the moment we can't understand this
  3. thanks, I'm trying to integrate a nuki pro device with matter protocol it always gives me the error "unknwon error" what could be the problem.
  4. thanks, I'm trying to integrate a nuki pro device with matter protocol it always gives me the error "unknwon error" what could be the problem.
  5. and available for download addon!!
  6. hi but the version of matter control doesn't come out from the extensions for me, has it come out for any of you?
  7. Hi, I followed the guide described to install the beta of the matter addon to integrate but on my device there is no possibility. Did any of you succeed?
  8. Guten Morgen allerseits, aber in welchem ​​Stadium ist die Zertifizierung und Freigabe?
  9. buongiorno, ma non ci sono novità in merito??
  10. buongiorno, l'applicazione non rileva più il meteo dopo aggiornamento.
  11. good morning, at what stage is the matter certification?
  12. ci saranno aggiornamenti sul rilascio di ulteriori versioni??
  13. wann die Kompatibilität mit dem gesamten Materiesystem freigegeben wird

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